2018-08-11, 12, & 13 Day 13-15 - Tour Cape Breton, Hike the Skyline Trail, Hammer Down and Head for Home

Had fantastic weather for the last 3 days. left North Sydney early on the 11th after the ferry docked. I was parked near the front of deck 5, so I was one of the 1st people off of the ferry.I went counter-clockwise around Cape Breton - and had a lovely tour. I will post a bunch of pictures - which will give you an idea - but you really need to go see it. I was still tired from the Gros Morne climb - so even though it would have been a perfect night to setup the telescope as well as just naked eye for the Perseids - I was in bed by 9PM.

Middle of the night - I hear the rain pounding down. BUT - when I get up in the morning - everything is bone dry. LOL - I had a DREAM about it raining that seemed so real that when I got out of bed in the morning and it was dry - it was actually disorienting.

Off I went to hike the Skyline trail, and drive around to finish seeing the country.

When I go back to my campsite, I started getting organized to setup the telescope that night. That was when some people showed up saying that they had the campsite I was on reserved for the night. I thought that they had made a mistake - but it turns out it was my mistake - I had only reserved the site for the one night - I thought I had it booked for two.

So - I packed up and hit the road - at 4PM in the afternoon. At this point - I knew I would stay in a hotel that night - because I was not going to make camp in the dark - PLUS - I really felt like getting home - travel had been fun - but after Cape Breton - I was ready for home.

So, I drove until just before midnight, grabbed a hotel just outside of Fredericton,  got up and at it early the next morning - and drove the 1300 km home - I was on the road by around 7AM - and home by 9PM. A good day's drive for sure!

Highlights of the trip:

  • The 389-500-510 drive is pretty cool. That is country I had not seen and I really enjoyedit
  • In particular, I really liked the time I got to spend in Happy Valley - Goose Bay - really nice.
  • Also - Red Bay - Pinware River - you might start to see a pattern here - if I left myself time to see it - I liked it.
  • The climb of Gros Morne was amazing. Darned near exhausted at the end. I would do it again - but would be much more prepared!
  • The tour of SW Nfld was very pretty.
  • I really like Cape Breton. I wish I had planned to be there 2 nights - LOL - that is what I thought I had done - oh well.
  • The Ford Edge is a comfortable ride, but not as much fun as the Mustang - or the FJR1300
  • Camping is good. But - it is a PIA to setup and tear down every day - I think better suited for staying a few days at each campsite.
The last blast of pictures:


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